Sunday, May 21, 2023

Lindsey Buckingham -- Holiday Road


In a special holiday edition of Reminiscings of Youth...

I've had to remind myself that this is a long weekend, the Victoria Day long weekend to be specific, and in Canada, it's seen as the first summer vacation opportunity although of course, summer is not due here for another month. The main reason for my forgetfulness is that we really no longer do the family vacation. It's more of the staycation now and I'm good with added stress.

Well, after all, folks can just watch "National Lampoon's Vacation" from 1983 to see how un-relaxing a family vacation can be although they can laugh their guts out at the plight of the Griswolds. The success of Chevy Chase's movie begat an entire franchise right into the next generation. Surprisingly, I never saw that first movie in its entirety; I've seen key scenes though.

However, I have shown more loyalty toward the theme song for the movie and the franchise, "Holiday Road" by Lindsey Buckingham from Fleetwood Mac. It has gone down as one of the more enduring and beloved movie theme songs of the 1980s despite its very short play time at a little over two minutes, but that's OK. Like guests staying at friends' places, no one or thing should overstay their welcome. I will always cherish the chorus and the barking dog at the end.

Released in June 1983, it only hit No. 82 on Billboard but again time told the tale of "Holiday Road" as a popular tune. I can only imagine how it's received at any of Buckingham's concerts. But I found its usage again in the opening credits of "Vacation" (2015), the most recent entry in the franchise with the second generation of the Griswolds in the driver's seat, absolutely hilarious.

What was hitting the Top 3 of Oricon in June 1983?

1. Hiroko Yakushimaru -- Tantei Monogatari (探偵物語)

2. Rats & Star -- Me Gumi no Hito (め組のひと)

3. Akina Nakamori -- Twilight - Yugure Dayori (トワイライト -夕暮れ便り-)

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