Tuesday, May 2, 2023

QYPTHONE -- Mustache



No "Uta Con"(うたコン)this week due to the Golden Week holiday in Japan but perhaps folks over here are already feeling the strain of the work week despite it being Tuesday. If they're anything like the guys in the old series "Mad Men", they probably want to hit home as soon as possible and crawl into a comfy martini.

I may just have the perfect musical accompaniment, too. Looks like it's some lounge-friendly salsa jazz with a bit of technology, thanks to "Mustache" by the eclectic band QYPTHONE centering around music maker Takeshi Nakatsuka(中塚武). A track from the band's 5th and final original album "Montuno No. 5", "Mustache" sounds like it came straight from the 1960s instead of December 2002 when the album was released. Nakatsuka came up with the swiveling music while Izumi Okawahara(大河原泉)was responsible for the lyrics.

I've always had a soft spot for these How To YouTube videos. I'm feeling a bit whimsical so I put a couple of them up although I neither drink martinis nor have a mustache.

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