Monday, May 15, 2023

Yoko Hamasaki -- Angel Suffocation


Back in March, I provided an article on the multi-genre group known as Urbangarde(アーバンギャルド)which dabbles in everything from bubblegum pop to heavy metal. One of the singers in the band, Yoko Hamasaki(浜崎容子), definitely has some dark style in her looks.

In June 2016, Hamasaki released a solo album titled "Blue Forest" in which I found the track "Angel Suffocation". Written by Naruyoshi Kikuchi(菊地成孔)from the eclectic band SPANK HAPPY and composed by Hamasaki, I think that the song has that technopop and rock sheen but I also get hints of old-fashioned kayo kyoku along with some 60s French pop.

As for Kikuchi's lyrics, I get the impression that the angel here may be some burned-out aidoru with an S&M thing who is in a dangerous dance with her fans or one particular fan, and the nose dive is something that she may not be able to pull out of. Somehow, the currently running anime "Oshi no Ko"(推しの子)comes to mind along with that Natalie Portman flick "Black Swan" when I listen to "Angel Suffocation"

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