Friday, May 19, 2023

Yurie Kokubu -- Watashi ni Dake Forever(私にだけForever)


It's been a few years since I've had City Pop songstress Yurie Kokubu(国分友里恵)up on the byline so welcome back to her. In fact, the last such article was back in 2019 for her "Easy Love".

I can hear that Kokubu was still applying her chops to the brassy champagne-and-caviar sights and sounds of late 1980s and early 1990s City Pop. Such is the case with her song "Watashi ni Dake Forever" (Forever Only to Me) which is a part of her September 1990 album "Silent Moon". Written by her fellow City Pop chanteuse and SHAMBARA bandmate Kaoru Akimoto(秋元薫)and composed by Hitoshi Haba(羽場仁志)and Masaki Iwamoto(岩本正樹), has got those fine tight horns and background chorus while Kokubu exercises that wonderful boomer voice of hers.

A 2014 reissue of "Silent Moon" included "Easy Love" as a bonus track although it was also a track on Kokubu's 1983 debut album "Relief 72 Hours".

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