Sunday, June 18, 2023

Makoto Iwabuchi -- Yuuhi ni Sarawarete(夕陽にさらわれて)


Here's something very nice for a Sunday afternoon. It even has a bit of country near the end as I hear it, but maybe that's because I've always associated Sundays with country music. The music show "Hee Haw" used to be on those days.

Anyways, "Yuuhi ni Sarawarete" (Swept Away by the Setting Sun) by singer-songwriter Makoto Iwabuchi(岩渕まこと)sounds like a good driving song on a road trip in the countryside and/or along the coast. It's got the electric guitar and the piano chugging away at a nice pace, plus I'm always a sucker for a good background chorus. The track comes from his July 1978 album "Air Pocket".

Iwabuchi hails from Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture and has been a gospel singer and YouTuber for many years. He converted to Christianity in 1980 thanks to his friend, the late great Chu Kosaka(小坂忠)and has worked with him and singer-songwriter Saki Kubota (久保田早紀). Those projects include a number of albums related to religion.

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