Friday, June 9, 2023

Mayo Shouno -- Moonlight City Woman(ムーンライト・シティ・ウーマン)


Alcohol and I didn't particularly mix that well although thanks to my life in Gunma and Tokyo, I was able to eventually get accustomed to things like beer and sake. Cocktails were an easier path for me since I could pick the sweeter varieties such as the Brown Cow and the Margarita. The latter was something that I usually had at the Mexican restaurants and it was always of the frozen type. Thankfully, the melting ice helped dilute some of that tequila.

Listening to this song, I definitely got some of those "Margaritaville" vibes although Jimmy Buffett's classic tune of relaxation actually came out a few months after "Moonlight City Woman". It's a track from Mayo Shouno's(庄野真代)2nd album "Luna Park"(るなぱあく)which was released on Christmas Day 1976. I can imagine that "Moonlight City Woman" made for an ideal tonic from all that Yuletide cheer and winter cold.

Written and composed by Shouno, it's all about a woman getting slightly sniffy at a now-ex-boyfriend as she tries to rationalize the breakup and stalk off into the night. Maybe her lyrics aren't too happy but her melody is plenty cheerful and deserving of a margarita. It's light and tropical.


  1. Fireminer here. Thanks for introducing this song! It really sounds like fun lounge music. And cocktail song deserved to be a genre of its own. Maybe you can make a RoY out of them.

    Also, though I like the Brown Cow myself, I've always hesitate to order it from the bar, and not because I fear the snickering from other drinkers. It is for the best if you avoid ordering any cocktail with milk or cream in them. They tend to be made from old and cheap ingredients. Ditto with Pina Colada or Tequila Sunrise.

    1. Thanks on the song. It's always nice to make discoveries especially with Shouno since she's usually just recognized for "Tonde Istanbul". Had no idea that she was so much into City Pop beforehand.

      As for the Brown Cow, like you, I don't particularly care what other people think when it comes to my choice in cocktails. And frankly, any bar that uses expired ingredients should be shut down or cited. :)


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