Monday, June 5, 2023

Sayuri Aso -- Candy Jazz


This could go down as one of the more intriguing albums that I've covered since Sayuri Aso's(麻生小百合)1982 debut album "Candy Jazz" was produced at Toshiba EMI/Eastworld which was actually under the purview of the entertainment conglomerate Being Inc. at the time. Yes, that Being...the company whose clients have been Zard and B'z with that particular pop/rock sound in the 1990s and beyond.

Sayuri Aso was born Yoshiko Ohniwa(大庭淑子)in Shizuoka Prefecture and in terms of her musical education, she began with piano at the age of 3 and later became infatuated with The Eagles. At the invitation of her senpai, she became the vocalist for a rock band and as a session artist. When she was scouted, she was promoted as a jazz singer and made her debut with "Candy Jazz" in September 1982.

(Sorry but the video has been taken down.)

Let me give you a small sampling of the album which seems to be a mix of original songs and covers of some old standards. The latter is given representation by the first track, "Teacher's Pet" originally by Joe Lubin and then given Japanese lyrics by Yukari Sato(砂東由香利). My first impression is that the jazz has some of that technological embellishment which has me reminded of Harumi Ohzora(大空はるみ)and her own 1983 techno jazz album "VIVA".

Aso's rendition of that old chestnut "Misty" by Erroll Garner and Johnny Burke is probably my favourite track so far since it's got the swing band orchestra backing her up including a warm and honeyed sax solo. I feel like I'm at the top of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel already. Mirai or Miku Minegishi(峰岸未来)provided the Japanese lyrics here.

The penultimate track is "More Expression" and it's one of the original songs on "Candy Jazz". The jazz is still in there but it's also joined by a City Pop shuffle and a searing rock guitar solo. Written by Tomoko Aran(亜蘭知子)and composed by Masanori Sasaji(笹路正徳), it stuffs a lot of action in its less-than-three minutes time.

Speaking of Aran, she was actually one of the founders of Being Inc. along with fellow singer-songwriter Tetsuro Oda(織田哲郎)and others. Yu Aku(阿久悠)and Daiko Nagato(長戸大幸)were also involved with some hefty investments by them as well. As for Aso, she would release two more albums in 1983, "Strawberry Jam" and "Pink". Through the J-Wiki article for the singer, I found out that she, Aran and Naomi Akimoto(秋本奈緒美)had been known as the Jazz 3As of Being. It looks like I might extend the Gosanke file on "Kayo Kyoku Plus" by one more piece.

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