Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Junko Tokumaru -- Koi wa Seesaw Game(恋はシーソーゲーム)


Well, we're not only in the middle of the week but we're in the middle of our first heat wave for this season. The weather folks are forecasting Humidex values in the low 40s Celsius today and possibly tomorrow. Not a fan of those figures but after several summers in Tokyo, I can probably take those without too too much hassle.

I was never a fan of amusement park rides and frankly under certain circumstances, even the old-fashioned seesaw could have me crying "Uncle!" (note to folks: try not to get on one after a few rounds at the buffet). Figuratively speaking, I have ended up being in the middle of a seesaw game of love although I wasn't in the direct line of fire, so to speak...just the messenger, although messengers have been shot.

Therefore, it's not surprising that there would be an 80s aidoru tune titled "Koi wa Seesaw Game" (Love is a Seesaw Game) by Junko Tokumaru(徳丸純子). Released as her third single in October 1983, this was written by Taeko Ohnuki(大貫妙子)and composed/arranged by Nobuyuki Shimizu(清水信之). Shimizu is someone that I've known as a longtime collaborator with EPO and her brand of bright and spritzy pop but here, he's concocted something very quintessential as an 80s aidoru tune with the wistfully sweeping atmosphere with the strings but there's also a nice touch with the soft horns. "Koi wa Seesaw Game" didn't impress too many purchasers, though, only ranking in at No. 116 on Oricon. I'm still good with it. 

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