Thursday, August 3, 2023

Rieko Miura -- Rakuen no Tricot(楽園のトリコ)


Well, I did have the above CD cover as the photo of the week in the upper-right corner for about a week so I figure that at least I should find out what the song is all about. I've not covered aidoru Rieko Miura(三浦理恵子)before now.

The tune is associated as an image song with an interesting anime created by Italian production companies and broadcast on NHK from 1994 to 1995. Titled "Montana Jones"(モンタナ・ジョーンズ), it was about anthromorphized cats with an adventurous streak, and yes, the show was inspired by a famous Hollywood hero-adventurer. 

Not sure how Miura's "Rakuen no Tricot" fit in as an image song for "Montana Jones". Perhaps it was placed as a track in the soundtrack or a character song album. However, the aidoru's 8th single from August 1994 is a cheerful and bubbly tune with some cool horns to add some urban jazziness to the proceedings. Written by Hirofumi Nagatomo(長友博文)and Neko Oikawa(及川ネコ)with Minoru Komorita(小森田実)and Hiroshi Shinkawa(新川博)handling composition and arrangement duties respectively, though I wouldn't quite place it as a 90s City Pop song, there is something of the caviar and champagne in there. Incidentally, I had to dig a tad to find out what a tricot was...apparently, it's some sort of knitted fabric so I gather that "Rakuen no Tricot" can be translated as "Paradise Fabric". It peaked at No. 38 on Oricon.

Miura went on a solo aidoru career once her group CoCo called it quits in 1994. However, I recall seeing her more on television as a tarento, although she would continue releasing albums and singles on her own until 1997.

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