Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Urbangarde -- Androgynos(アンドロギュノス)


A few months ago, I wrote about the boundary-pushing band Urbangarde(アーバンギャルド)that has been more than willing to sing about some of the more stickier issues in society via all sorts of genres such as 80s style synthpop and punk.

That song I featured, "One Piece Shinjuu"(ワンピース心中), was released all the way back in 2014. Urbangarde has still been alive and kicking, and this tune comes off their August 2021 11th album "Tokyo Pop 2". "Androgynos" not only delves into that 80s synthpop, it's obvious that the music video is riffing off the Vaporwave visual aesthetics; it also looks like the opening or ending credits for some superhero anime done in live-version through a 1980s commercial filter.

"Androgynos" was written by band leader and co-vocalist Tenma Matsunaga(松永天馬)and composed by keyboardist Kei Ohkubo(おおくぼけい). Matsunaga and Yoko Hamasaki(浜崎容子)exhort their message of getting together as just plain folks with their own personalities, irrespective of any need to identify the gender. I do enjoy the sparkly old-fashioned synthesizers and the thumping rhythms.

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