Monday, September 18, 2023

Emiko Nakayama -- Mr. Lonely(Mr.ロンリー)


It was almost eight years ago when I first featured Emiko Nakayama and her "Black Coffee" with that bossa jazz sound. Of course, as has been the case with many singers in Japan, their choices of the music they perform will evolve over time, and that was apparently the case with Nakayama, too.

"Mr. Lonely" was an October 1981 single released by Nakayama, who also changed the writing of her name from(中山恵美子)to(中山エミコ)in the last several months before she retired from the industry in mid-1982, and its sound is markedly different from "Black Coffee". Written and composed by the singer with arrangements handled by Tsuyoshi Kon(今剛), the music seems to be a mixture of West Coast AOR and some jangly 1950s rock-n-roll. It's not too bad although Nakayama's vocals almost get drowned out but I think that was more of the stereo equipment being used.

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