Sunday, September 10, 2023

Hi-Fi Set -- miss you


As I may have mentioned in the past when it came to the vocal group Hi-Fi Set(ハイファイセット), until the last decade or so, I'd only known their very early material in the 1970s and then their 1990 album "White Moon". Therefore, there was a gap of probably 10-15 years that I had no knowledge of what the trio was doing but they were still producing and releasing singles and albums from the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s. I've been able to do some catch-up work on their discography during their "missing" years thanks to the work on the blog.

This is the type of song that I love to hear on a Sunday night at the end of a weekend and before the grind of the usual work week begins. Maybe it's because I was so accustomed to seeing Fuji-TV's "Music Fair" on Sunday nights at 11; the show is still the classiest Japanese music program running and Hi-Fi Set is one of the acts that I've thought was perfect for such a program.

And the wonderful thing is that the song "miss you" comes from one of the group's albums from those "missing" years. "I Miss You" was Hi-Fi Set's 11th album from February 1983 and "miss you" finishes off the album with a sweeping jazz orchestra. The ballad was purely an inside operation in that members Shigeru Okawa(大川茂)and Toshihiko Yamamoto(山本俊彦)took care of words and music respectively. Okawa's lyrics are so bitter that I think the title is more of a sarcastic slash toward the cad who's left a woman for another woman. Basically, she's quietly stating her final cuts of retribution against him. Well as such, I'd rather focus on Yamamoto's romantic bluesy jazz which at least sounds like love is still thriving among the notes.

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