Friday, September 22, 2023

Kei Ishiguro -- Caramel no Nioi(キャメルの匂い)


Because this blog is usually on the nostalgic, allow me to throw another old commercial from my younger days into the mix. Caramilk is a veteran chocolate bar by Cadbury that had fans wondering how they were able to get the caramel into the chocolate bar. Well, the powers-that-be at Cadbury came up with a masterpiece of an ad that I still remember for that last-second reveal and that last line when a desperate wooer for the secret of how they were to get that dang caramel in there begged for it: "ANYTHING?"😈

Not sure what "Caramel no Nioi" (The Smell of Caramel) is all about but it's a track from Kei (or Kay) Ishiguro's(石黒ケイ)1984 album "You Remember Me". Written by Machiko Ryu(竜真知子)and composed by Yoichi Takizawa(滝沢洋一), it starts out sounding like a West Coast AOR/pop tune with that rhythm piano before the chorus takes things into a more mysterious mood. At one point, I was wondering whether "Caramel no Nioi" also went into New Wave but ultimately I refrained from putting that Label on.

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