Friday, September 1, 2023

Ruiko Kurahashi -- Ku-gatsu no Mado(九月の窓)


Well, welcome to September 2023! In tribute to the entry of the 9th month, I had considered just putting up my three favourite September-themed tunes onto "Kayo Kyoku Plus", but I would have been repeating myself since I had already done so with a larger number of songs a couple of years ago. So, why don't you have a look at my "September Songs" from 2021 instead?

Usually this being Friday, I would be going into the Urban Contemporary category with the songs today, but I've figured to begin with this number because it has something to do with September and it's been in the backlog for some months, ready to get its debut on the blog. And of course, since I'm a big Ruiko Kurahashi(倉橋ルイ子)fan, I have to give her my due.

"Ku-gatsu no Mado" (September Window) is a track from Kurahashi's June 1981 debut album, "Without Sugar". The album is something that I've cherished since getting it from a fellow Mixi friend years ago, knowing that it has been one of the rarest of the rare to get. True to Kurahashi's style, "Ku-gatsu no Mado" has that delicate Fashion Music style (although the chorus gets a little jumpy) and I can easily imagine the singer herself in a melancholy mood in a Parisian café as she breathes some condensation on the window as it's raining outside. Katsuo Ono(小野克夫)was responsible for the gently lilting melody while Fumiko Okada(岡田富美子)wrote the lyrics about the coming fall, a season in kayo kyoku land known for the end of romance.

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