Saturday, October 7, 2023

Junko Hirotani -- Jasmine Tea Dream(ジャスミン・ティー・ドリーム)


Not surprisingly in a nation which has its own long history of tea, I was able to sample a lot of other teas that weren't simply the Orange Pekoe and the Green teas in Canada. There was Oolong, Chamomile and even Rooibos. I probably did have Jasmine tea at one point although I can't quite remember how it tasted. There was a tea shop near one of my schools that I frequented so often that the owner and waitresses not only recognized who I was but also knew what I liked to order (the tuna sandwiches were to die for there). But anyways, feel free to enjoy the above video by Nioteas TV.

I gather that Jasmine tea must have a calming effect according to this track from Junko Hirotani's(広谷順子)3rd and final album "Enough" from February 1983. "Jasmine Tea Dream" is about as tender as those jasmine blossoms and though it's completely Japanese in its creation with Hirotani herself behind the composition, Machiko Ryu(竜真知子)on lyrics and Masataka Matsutoya(松任谷正隆)arranging everything, I can't help but feel that there is something David Foster in the song, especially with the rich piano. At first, I was wondering whether "Jasmine Tea Dream" would fall under either the City Pop or the AOR hemisphere but by the end, I was persuaded that this is a straight pop ballad.

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