Friday, October 27, 2023

Maiko Kawakami -- ÄLSKLING(エルスクリン)


Maiko Kawakami(川上麻衣子)is an actress who I've heard about over the years but didn't know that she had been born in Stockholm, Sweden to a couple of interior designers (no IKEA jokes, please). However, her family moved back to Japan when she was around a year old.

Another thing that I hadn't known was that she did have her time behind the recording mike. Kawakami released four singles between 1981 and 1983 along with three albums between 1982 and 1984. Her second album from June 1983 was titled "ÄLSKLING"; the title is Swedish for "darling". The video uploaded by mingumangu has the second and ninth tracks.

Track 2 is "Zanshou" (残照...Afterglow) which is some dreamy City Pop concocted by lyricist Kaoru Asaki(麻木かおる)and composer Kisaburo Suzuki(鈴木キサブロ)with some smoky if not all that strong vocals by Kawakami. Track 9 at 4:27 is "Tsumetai Bed"(冷たいベッド...A Cold Bed) which picks up the pace a bit into a more mid-tempo tune with a hint of New Wave. Asaki also provides the lyrics here but this time, the composer is Tsugutoshi Goto(後藤次利).

One more song from "ÄLSKLING" is the first track "Kanshou"(感傷...Sentimentality) which also was Kawakami's 3rd single from July 1983. Just kinda wished that there was a recorded version of the song that had been written and composed by Ami Ozaki(尾崎亜美)and arranged by Jun Sato(佐藤準).

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