Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Mieko Nishijima -- Bishonure Waltz(びしょぬれワルツ)

Among the many singers that I got to be introduced to via the radio program "Sounds of Japan" in the 1980s, one was singer-songwriter Mieko Nishijima(西島三重子). She among the others were there to convince me in no uncertain terms that there was a large space that was pop in terms of music and not just enka, Mood Kayo, aidoru or technopop. I will always be indebted to her and them for that knowledge and their music.

"Bishonure Waltz" is a track on her 5th studio album "Silhouette"(シルエット)from 1979, and it was the usual combination of lyricist Kenji Kadoya(門谷憲二)and composer Nishijima behind this song which is definitely done in the style of a waltz. The direct translation is "Drenched Waltz" but that doesn't sound too appetizing or pretty so perhaps "Waltz in the Rain" is more romantic. Besides the arrangement is quite classy and overseas as a couple has their dance with one partner teasingly admonishing the other to keep on dancing for today since they may not be together the next day.


  1. Her music is what next to listen to for people who like the music of Meiko Kaji.

    Soothing stuff.

    1. Yeah, very soothing. I did come across a 1983 album of hers that had her going into City Pop which was a bit jarring.


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