Friday, October 6, 2023

Yasuhiro Abe -- Kanojo ni Dry na Martini wo(彼女にドライなマティーニを)

Good Free Photos

Well, it seems as if it's been the end of the week when Blogger and YouTube decide to not speak with each other, thereby preventing any embedding of videos here. It's happened twice before and it's happening now so I'll have to just provide the link to the video for now.

(October 7 2023: Ah, I got it back!)

Still, this song by City Pop crooner Yasuhiro Abe(安部恭弘)is well worth the extra step of heading back to YouTube. "Kanojo ni Dry na Martini wo" (A Dry Martini for the Lady) is a track from his awkwardly titled "Tune box the summer 1986" from July of that year. "Tennessee Waltz" (テネシーワルツ), which is the last Abe song that I posted up several months ago, is also a fellow track on the album.

I have to give props to the multi-instrumentalist and arranger Nobuyuki Shimizu(清水信之)for his wonderfully thrumming City Pop style including "Kanojo ni Dry na Martini wo". He's been helping Abe and another City Pop veteran EPO (among other singers) for years, and it's come to the point where I'll probably have to feature him in a Creator article soon. Although Chinfa Kan's(康珍化)lyrics seem to be pointing out a scene in a bar where two people, both from broken relationships, find each other to perhaps build a new one, Abe's melody hints at a lot of hope and optimism in the big busy city. The time seems to be around Xmas although I don't really think that this would classify as a Xmas tune. Of course, Abe's falsetto is always a highlight and I read on one person's blog that Yasuhiro Kido(木戸泰弘)and Seishiro Kusunose(楠瀬誠志郎)are among the folks helping out on the smooth-as-silk background chorus.

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