Monday, November 13, 2023

SOUL'd OUT -- Tokyo Tsushin ~ Urbs Communication(TOKYO通信〜Urbs Communication〜)


Ah, yes. The Times Square bridge in South Shinjuku. Used to traverse this going from Tokyu Hands to Kinokuniya Bookstore. I kinda wonder how Takashimaya Times Square has been doing all these years considering all of the changes in their neighbourhood.

In any case, a good Monday to you. Not being a huge rap fan, admittedly I don't have a lot of SOUL'd OUT articles on KKP...only ones that I thought were especially interesting for Diggy-MO' really tripping the light fantastic, vocally speaking. However, I have just discovered the group's 11th single from February 2006, "Tokyo Tsushin ~ Urbs Communication" (Tokyo Communication), and I think it's about as close as they've ever gotten to a pop tune, but of course, with the rapping still intact.

Yup, it's pretty catchy and apparently it was used as the theme for something called "Tokai ni Sumu Hito-tachi no Communication"(都会に住む人たちのコミュニケーション...Urban Residents' Communication). I tried punching that into the search engines but I got bupkis. Maybe it was a television show or huge event on intra-urban communication as the title of the song hints at. "Tokyo Tsushin" managed to peak at No. 13 on Oricon, going Gold. It is also a track on SOUL'd OUT's 3rd album "Alive" from March 2006. It also went Gold, hitting No. 3.

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