Tuesday, December 19, 2023

bridge -- Windy Afternoon


It's been a fascinating ride so far since I first discovered this wide-ranging early 90s band called bridge back in the summer. They were able to do Shibuya-kei, generally sunny pop and even some City Pop from their 1994 album "Preppy Kicks". 

Well, I've been listening to their 1993 maxi-single "Windy Afternoon". Plenty of energy here too but this time, the genre label will be different. I can pick up some country here, a lot of folk and jazz there (perhaps some zydeco) and maybe music that takes things closer to the melodies of Jitterin' Jinn. Written in English by vocalist Mami Otomo(大友真美)with help from Bryan Burton Lewis and composed by keyboardist Mayumi Ikemizu(池水真由美), the story has it that someone was going through a really windy afternoon until that special character arrived to break open the clouds and tamp down the gale. Maybe some romance ensued. 

1 comment:

  1. There is a lot of energy in this song so I think the rhythm
    or maybe the tempo is mimicking the wind.


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