Friday, December 8, 2023

City City Pops by J-Canuck


Looks like KKP AI representative Kayo is having her fun behind the wheel of a sports car. Pretty impressive if you ask me, especially considering that she was born a couple of weeks ago. 

Anyways to make things clear, I wasn't stuttering when I came up with the above title. It's just that I had one of my rare brain waves about putting up a small and incomplete list of City Pop tunes that basically spell out the city. Y' is a city so why not sing about that city?

 (New York City) Junko Yagami -- Purpletown (パープルタウン)You Oughta Know By Now (1980)

(New York City [though I like to think Tokyo]) Minako Yoshida -- TOWN (1982)

(Yokohama/Kobe/Nagasaki) Yasuha -- Fly-Day Chinatown (フライディ・チャイナタウン) (1981)

(Osaka) Masaki Ueda -- Osaka Bay Blues (1982)

(Tokyo) Masayuki Suzuki & Momoko Kikuchi -- Shibuya de Go-ji (渋谷で5時)(1994)

(Nagasaki) Masashi Sada -- Nagasaki-City Serenade (長崎小夜曲)(1982)

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