Monday, December 18, 2023

Dreams Come True -- Osaka Lover(大阪LOVER)


Good heavens! It's been nearly five years since I put up a bona fide Dreams Come True song on the blog. I did go through all of the favourites that I knew and there was a feeling that my DCT file was done.

Then once again through the aegis of the good folks at Weathernews Japan via their "Weather Music" segment, I got to hear the familiar and lovely voice of Miwa Yoshida(吉田美和)a few days ago. It was nice to hear her again and it was through Dreams Come True's 38th single from March 2007, "Osaka Lover".

Written and composed by Yoshida and arranged by her DCT partner Masato Nakamura(中村正人), it's a story of a young lady in a long-distance relationship who comes to Osaka to meet her boyfriend and undergoes her own sturm und drang about the relationship including whether she can handle the Osakan dialect (the music video does show a happy ending). Yes, I can definitely relate to that last part. The melody is one boppy disco arrangement and it has some intriguing matsuri-friendly percussion banging away there.

"Osaka Lover" peaked at No. 7 on Oricon and went Gold. The song was created in the first place to help advertise the Hollywood Dream The Ride at Universal Studios Japan in Osaka, although while one is on it, I doubt that the first thing that will come to mind is this song. Terror and a need to vomit, perhaps, but probably not the song.


  1. Dreams Come True is one of my wife's favorite groups! So this time around she stopped to check out what I was reading and listening, to.

    1. Yeah, I've got a former student-turned-friend who's a huge DCT fan...goes to all the concerts when they come to Tokyo.

  2. Like Anzen chitai I think DCT is another group from Hokkaido


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