Monday, December 4, 2023

Hideyuki Yonekawa & Keiko Utsumi -- Lover's Holiday


As anyone who has spent a Christmas or two in Japan will know, the Yuletide over there is often observed as a second Valentine's Day. Hotels and restaurants are usually booked solid for romantic rendezvous, and anyone who finds themselves alone on the 24th or 25th will be hitting the Cup O' Noodles hard.

"Lover's Holiday" strikes the note perfectly on that aspect of a Japanese Christmas. A cool and soulful duet consisting of Hideyuki Yonekawa and Keiko Utsumi(米川英之&宇津美慶子), the song was composed and arranged by Yonekawa and written by Yasuharu Konishi(小西康陽). I first heard about it from Scott's "Holly Jolly X'masu" podcast last year centering on his review of "White Album '90" which was released in November 1990, and "Lover's Holiday" was the contribution from the pair for the album. The lyrics by Konishi have their references to Christmas but otherwise the arrangement eschews the typical jingliness of the season and goes for something more contemporary R&B.

Yonekawa began his solo career in 1990 following several years in his stint as the guitarist for the band C-C-B in the 1980s. According to his J-Wiki file, he's been strongly attracted to rock and AOR since he was a junior high school student.


  1. No comment on the Tatsuro Yamashita's クリスマス・イブ (Christmas Eve) song used for the JR CM you attached to this post? Well, I guess it is fair you have written a lot about Tatsuro in the past, and anyone who is really interested in Japan should know this tune. Well, anyway "Lover's Holiday" was a refreshing change from the usually songs I thinking of when Christmas comes around in Japan. Some how "Lover's Holiday" sounds like one of Michael Jackson's 1980's songs to me? I can't think of which on at the moment

    1. Hi, Brian. I already devoted time and space to "Christmas Eve" almost 11 years ago so you can take a look at that article:

      I'm not surprised about the Michael Jackson reference since the arrangement is very similar to a lot of soul-based Xmas songs that I've heard from that time period.

    2. Thanks I will be taking a look at that soon!


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