Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Junichi Kawauchi -- Hello Mr. Santa Claus(ハロー・ミスターサンタクロース)

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When I first discovered singer-songwriter Junichi Kawauchi(河内淳一)a few years ago through his 1988 sophomore single "Koi ni Ochita Hi ~ Anyday You Love Me"(恋に落ちた日), I found him to be a City Pop/J-AOR crooner along the lines of Yudai Suzuki(鈴木雄大)and Kenjiro Sakiya(崎谷健次郎).

Recently, I encountered his contribution to the Christmas collection. In October 1991, he released "Hello Mr. Santa Claus" which has a pop/rock vibe approaching Being levels of musicality. Its relaxed and somewhat hushed arrangement (despite the wailing electric guitar) strikes me as being so 1990s that I'm sure that it was probably used in a commercial somewhere on television. Shouta Namikawa*(並河祥太)provided the lyrics while Kawauchi came up with the melody.

*I couldn't get any confirmation on the proper reading of that family name since it has a number of readings according to "". If anyone can confirm or correct me on this, please let me know.

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