Monday, December 11, 2023

Thee Michelle Gun Elephant -- Electric Circus(エレクトリック・サーカス)


Unfortunately as we come ever closer to the end of 2023, I have to note another passing in the Japanese music industry. The lead singer for the band Thee Michelle Gun Elephant, Yuusuke Chiba(チバユウスケ), passed away at the age of 55 on November 26th. He had been diagnosed with esophageal cancer back in April and was undergoing treatment. My condolences go out to his family, friends and fans.

I've heard of Thee Michelle Gun Elephant before in written and broadcast media, and it's awfully hard to forget such a name for a rock band whose influences come from punk, garage rock and blues rock among other genres. As for that name, according to an April 2000 "Rockin' On" feature on the band, Chiba's friend, a bassist who had been with the band at the time of its formation, misread the title for the 3rd album of the English rock band The Damned. Titled "Machine Gun Etiquette", the bassist read it as "Michelle Gun Elephant". The first word "thee" came from another English band Thee Headcoats.

Thee Michelle Gun Elephant had its run between 1991 and 2003, and their 16th and final single "Electric Circus" from October 2003 proved to be their highest-ranking song, coming in at No. 2. With lyrics by Chiba and melody by the band, the song and the video come up with a story of a romance on the motorcycle gang-treading road, a romance that simply cannot last due to dangers hinted at. "Electric Circus" was also a track on the band's 4th BEST compilation, "Thee Greatest Hits", from December 2009. It managed to peak at No. 8 on Oricon.

Chiba would also be involved with other bands following Thee Michelle Gun Elephant such as Rosso and Midnight Bankrobbers.


  1. RIP. Never heard of him or Thee Michelle Gun Elephant.

    1. Hello, YMOfan04. Wasn't a fan of TMGE but felt that considering all the artists who've passed away this year, Chiba should be included in our own little "In Memoriam" list.

  2. RIP Yuusuke Chiba. Dubbed a TMGE album to MD from a Jap exchange student circa '98. I have no idea what album it was but I had it on heavy rotation for a long time. I need to dig that up - all my MDs are in storage due to being a loser.

    1. Hello, Sam. Yeah, it might be nice to listen to the songs again. Any recommendations?


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