Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Yu Hayami -- Summer Holy Night


One of the smaller and weirder things that I've found about J-Xmas songs that the songwriters often merge the Holidays with summery weather although Japan is nowhere near the Southern Hemisphere. Apparently, since both Xmas and the summer vacation season have their share of romantic interludes, I gather that the writers thought "Heck, why not?".

Although I had initially made the same conclusion of Yu Hayami's(早見優)"Summer Holy Night" because of those three words, it turns out that it's really just about a young lady falling for that hot hunk on the beach in the summer. The only holy thing is the lass jumping the gun emotionally and already thinking about those wedding bells in the church. 

"Summer Holy Night" wasn't a single but a track on Hayami's 3rd album "Lanai" from May 1983. It was written by Yoshiko Miura(三浦徳子), composed by Toshio Kamei(亀井敏夫)and arranged by Kunio Muramatsu(村松邦男).

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