Monday, January 22, 2024

Aya Uchida -- Roman tic-tac


Happy Monday! Although in my case, I'm thinking more along the lines of Relieved Monday. The bathroom tap odyssey has finally come to a satisfactory ending with not only the faucet being repaired but also an erratic toilet pump replaced. Knock on wood, leakage is now a thing of the past for the next few years at least, and we've got a steady plumbing company to help us out in the future.😁

Anyways, let's not linger on bathroom plumbing anymore. I don't know very much about seiyuu and singer Aya Uchida(内田彩)although she has popped up in minor roles in the anime that I've seen (and has had major roles in ones that I haven't). But I did find this catchy ditty by her that doesn't seem to be attached to any particular anime and was released as a track on her 5th and latest album titled "Music" from November 2023.

Given the intriguing title of "Roman tic-tac", this was written by Kano Tono(東乃カノ)and composed by Kyoichi Miyazaki(宮崎京一)with YOMA, and perhaps the slightly funky arrangement can have it fall under the Neo-City Pop banner but I'm just as happy with it being a frenetic pop song. Tono's lyrics sound a bit cryptic but basically there seems to be a fresh love affair being encouraged here.

Uchida hails from Gunma Prefecture and as a young child, she was big into anime such as "Sailor Moon" and "My Neighbour Totoro" to the extent that she even wanted to be those main characters. From high school, she entered a seiyuu training academy with her debut in an anime happening in 2008 when she was in her early twenties.


  1. I am happy to hear that you have things have worked out well regarding your plumbing issue and listening to Aya Uchida's upbeat pop performance of 'Roman tic-tac' is a great way to celebrate.

    1. The bathroom still needs work, but at least the plumbing issues that have piled up over the months have finally been resolved. Knock on wood, everything stays OK for the foreseeable future.


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