Friday, February 9, 2024

evening cinema -- Rainy Talk


"Hi...Natsuki Harada of evening cinema? Yeah, City Pop would like its aural and visual mojo back!"

Wow! That video is looks like Tokyo with someone kidnapping dozens of palm trees from California and Shin-Urayasu. And it appears that the band evening cinema really went full downtown Neo-City Pop with their song "Rainy Talk" which appears on their March 2022 album "Golden Circle". It's got the beefy bass, the blippity-bloppity synths and vocals by Harada (plus backing vocals) which often go into Omega Tribe and Junk Fujiyama Land. Yup, the words and music were by the singer as well.

As for the video, was that a Toyota Crown or Cressida being driven on the highways and byways of the megalopolis? By the way, the license plate with 「原色の街」? That reads "Genshoku no Machi" or as it is in English, the City of Primary Colours. Yup, it surely was. The video below is of the original recording but on YouTube, there are a few remix versions of "Rainy Talk".


  1. The video is well done! Love the detail!
    In general domestic coin phones are light green but 'coins phones' for international use were grey not sure there are too many of those left. I love the what I think to be the little easter eggs in the video. Nice song too, the kind that gets stuck in my head.

    1. Yeah, it's a pretty dazzling video showing off the pop culture. It may be quite a journey looking for all those Easter eggs throughout the video.


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