Thursday, February 15, 2024

Leo Ieiri -- Chocolate(チョコレート)


Try as I might, I surprisingly couldn't find an anime compilation of chocolate-giving for Valentine's Day on YouTube although the situation is virtually a mandated event for any anime. However, if anyone out there knows of one, please let me know.

Last night, I put up Shikao Suga's(スガシカオ)"Ai ni Tsuite"(愛について)which I mentioned was a song that I had discovered through the Weather Music segment on Japan's "Weathernews Live" a few weeks ago. Coincidentally enough, at around the same time, I also found out about singer-songwriter Leo Ieiri's(家入レオ)"Chocolate" through the same circumstances, and as it turns out, it has been included in the list of J-Valentine's Day songs.

Well after all, "Chocolate", according to the J-Wiki article on the song, points out that Ieiri had actually created the song when she was 16 to express her feelings on not being able to give the one guy she liked that gift of chocolates on February 14th. Its evolution to its status as an official single came about a few years later when it was released as her 6th single in January 2014, and Ieiri stated that she finally wanted to sing it just before she officially became an adult at 20. It's a gentle pop song that had some further input from composer and producer Yoshihiko Nishio(西尾芳彦)and it probably has hit a few buttons in those who know the feeling of doki doki when it comes to the emotion-filled moment of handing a box of homemade chocolates. 

"Chocolate" hit No. 9 on Oricon and it has been included on Ieiri's 2nd album "a boy" which was released in February 2014. It ranked in at No. 4.

1 comment:

  1. Leo Ieiri's shine is another good one, but Chocolate fits with the V-day theme so much more!


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