Friday, February 2, 2024

Milk Talk -- Plastic New York

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In late November 2023, I posted up an article on "Ah Be Rue", a 2019 song by the synth-boogie duo Milk Talk. I found out about them thanks to a "Japan Times" article regarding vocalist Yuqi "Q.i" Shinohara and multi-instrumentalist Miles "Hair Kid" Ungar and I checked out their tunes up on YouTube.

"Plastic New York" was the second song that I heard and viewed following "Ah Be Rue". Though I've seen indications of a big release of it in 2022, according to the "Japan Times" piece, Q.i and Hair Kid had apparently created the technologically magical "Plastic New York" as their first song in 2016 when it was included in the latter's own album "Plastic Inbox". The album, produced at Maltine Records, featured Q.i and Akita Momo on six tracks including the song of note here.

As I mentioned, there is something mystical and even soothing about listening to "Plastic New York" (especially with Q.i's whispery vocals). It feels like a couple of lovers on a different existential level in the Big Apple, almost as if the tryst were taking place in the Matrix. With those 80s synths playing about, I do get those Vaporwave chills up and down my back but at the same time, there is also the comfy City Pop bass to keep things grounded. Finally, as for the video above, I can finally say that there are actually two more people who dance like me, so for all those who were staring at me with Spock eyebrows at the discos back in my university days, I am not alone!😤

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