Sunday, February 11, 2024

Minoru Komorita -- Natsu dake no Diana(夏だけの女神)


I referred to him just in my previous article, Yaya's(やや)"Onna Myouri"(女冥利)and up to now, Minoru Komorita(小森田実)has been popping up in KKP as a songwriter. However, he's also been a singer and was once a part of the band The Alpha until 1984.

So, although he's been a part of the Labels since 2014, Komorita is finally get his first byline on the blog with his June 1989 debut single "Natsu dake no Diana" (Diana [Goddess] for Summers Only). A spritely and, yes indeed, a very summery song, the lyrics were by Anju Mana(真名杏樹)with the melody/arrangement handled by Komorita and Seiichi Kyoda(京田誠一). As the Japanese title and its furigana will state, the protagonist does hold his Diana on a pillar for goddesses only...or maybe he's really paying tribute to the actual Roman goddess of the hunt and wild animals.

"Natsu dake no Diana" also pops up as the first track on Komorita's first album "Squall" which came out on the same day as the single. He's released six singles up to the early 1990s along with four albums. A "Golden Best" compilation of his was put onto the shelves in May 2006. He really put up a dog-and-pony show on his website.

1 comment:

  1. Komorita's website has a kind of modern minimalistic feel, but it is also kind of wild, too. This tune of his kind of reminds me of one of Picasso's 1980's hits.


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