Friday, March 22, 2024

Yutaka Kimura Speaks ~ Japanese City Pop Masterpieces 100: The Kingtones -- Touch Me Lightly


Number: 050

Lyricist: Chris Mosdell

Composer: Tatsuro Yamashita

Arranger: Tatsushi Umegaki

From The Kingtones' 1978 album: "Resurrect"

A sweet soul tune penned by Tatsuro Yamashita(山下達郎), "Touch Me Lightly" is sung by the gentle high tenor of Masato Uchida(内田正人)which seems to melt into the night sky. Having once composed "DOWNTOWN" for The Kingtones (but to no avail), there was still a connection between the songwriter and the group, and perhaps this was their common denominator of the roots of Black music, most notably doo-wop. But "Touch Me Lightly" comes across as 70s and approaches a sweet and mellow sound.

The above comes from "Disc Collection Japanese City Pop Revised" (2020).

J-Canuck here. I'll just jump in briefly to say that sometime last night, the number of views for this blog reached and exceeded the 7 million point. Allow me to give everyone reading "Kayo Kyoku Plus" a hearty thank you for their support over the past dozen years. I would toot my horn even more but considering that the famous YouTube video of Mariya Takeuchi's(竹内まりや)"Plastic Love" reached that point in three months...well, meh.😏

Also, we have reached the halfway point in the "Japanese City Pop Masterpieces 100" translations. Another year to go then!

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