Friday, April 5, 2024

Yutaka Kimura Speaks ~ Japanese City Pop Masterpieces 100: Kazuhiko Kato -- Today


Number: 052

Lyricist: Kazumi Yasui

Composer: Kazuhiko Kato

Arranger: Kazuhiko Kato

From Kato's 1978 album: "Gardenia"

"Today" is a number which pairs Kato(加藤和彦)with Kimiko Kasai(笠井紀美子)that goes well with a morning café au lait. As a tribute to João Gilberto, this is a song that can be heard with a certain panache as Ryuichi Sakamoto(坂本龍一), Yukihiro Takahashi(高橋幸宏)and Shigeru Suzuki(鈴木茂)provide the backing Tokyo sound. Kato himself wasn't particularly satisfied with the album, but this track's pleasantness as well as its sophistication which was well ahead of its time are exceptional.

The above comes from "Disc Collection Japanese City Pop Revised" (2020).


  1. I don't even drink and this song makes me feel like getting a cocktail.


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