Friday, May 31, 2024

Crystal Pop Attraction -- COFFEE and BROWNIE


A little over a year ago, I found out about Crystal Pop Attraction, a project by songwriter, producer and arranger Shinichiro Murayama(村山晋一郎)and singer-songwriters Eri Yamashita(山下絵里)and HI-D . They came up with some urban contemporary goodies which they then put into a self-titled album in 2022. Coming out with this during a time when Japan and the rest of the world were slowly coming out of the COVID cocoon, the music must have been quite enticing to enjoy those old nights in downtown Tokyo or any city centre in the nation.

The track from "Crystal Pop Attraction" that I wrote about back then was "Kagayaku Hoshi no Melody"(輝く星のメロディー). For non-Japanese-speaking J-R&B or City Pop fans, that title was probably a mouthful, but its fellow track mate is a very sweet and easy-to-understand mouthful. "COFFEE and BROWNIE" is one delectably soulful tune thanks to the groovy arrangement and Yamashita's creamy vocals. And as someone who had his fair share of coffee and brownies at places like Hard Rock Café and Tony Roma's in Tokyo, "COFFEE and BROWNIE" hits me just so.

Mind you, after having all that coffee and brownie (topped up with ice cream or whipped cream), it was awfully hard to get to sleep. In any case, I leave you with a video of how to make brownies with coffee as one of the ingredients. Happy weekend!

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