Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Galali -- Odore Maria(踊れマリア)


Looks like Kayo Grace has been cutting up a rug under the moon again. Perhaps it's a tad early in the week for that sort of thing, but I'm not one to judge.

Well, for this song, it's not Kayo dancing but Maria dancing about. I am posting "Odore Maria" (Dance, Maria), an April 2024 digital single released by singer-songwriter Galali(がらり)who I introduced in the blog back in that month with his Neo-City Pop "Sayonara wa Mayonaka ni"(さよならは真夜中に)from 2023. I liked the cut of his jib back then, so I wanted to listen to another one of his creations.

This time around, Galali's "Odore Maria" has got its jazz, soul and Latin all rolled up into one delectable tune as the fellow sings about the title character who seems to have loved and left the poor protagonist like a wad of used tissue. However, she did it with panache and Galali likes to sing it with a certain flair as well. In fact, I think the early part of the song reminded me a bit of Grover Washington Jr.'s "Just the Two of Us".

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