Friday, May 17, 2024

Just for Fun...The J-C AI Gallery: Mariya, Miki and Junko Y.


Isn't that nice? Kayo Grace Kyoku has taken up a new hobby of creating her own art. Perhaps she has a lot of time on her hands. It would seem that I may have just a little too much time on my own hands.

As you know, for the past several months, I've been using the Bing AI art generator sometimes to come up with some pics of Kayo Grace along with the odd other picture...usually reflecting City Pop. Well, in the past few days, I was kinda thinking about what would happen if I threw in a few famous song titles into the Bing-ster. What would pop out? 

For the inaugural AI Gallery, I decided to throw in a few famous City Pop song titles but also added " anime style". Unsurprisingly, for two of the three results, I did get a cute anime girl in there. I tried it again last night with those two titles without the anime tag. The third title was fine enough after the first shot. So, below are five pictures and so I'm not seen as chintzy, I've also included the music.

Mariya Takeuchi -- Plastic Love

Miki Matsubara -- Mayonaka no Door ~ Stay with Me

Junko Yagami -- Tasogare no Bay City

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