Friday, May 17, 2024

Momoe Shimano -- Nemurenu Tsuki(眠れぬ月)


Here I was, getting ready to put up R&B chanteuse Momoe Shimano's(嶋野百恵)party-hearty "Hot Glamour" a few minutes ago, only to realize that I had already done so back in 2019. I notice that I began the article by ranting about some technical issues with Blogger; no such technical issues today with the platform but I did have to replace my computer mouse due to age this afternoon.

In any case, I wasn't going to let go of Shimano without a fight since I don't get all that much of an opportunity to post about her, and as it turns out, there is her "Nemurenu Tsuki" (Sleepless Moon) which is a track from her April 1999 debut album "5.3.1". Unlike "Hot Glamour", "Nemurenu Tsuki" is a relaxing slow jam written by Shimano and composed by Keiichiro Muto(武藤敬一朗). I always enjoy a nice battery of mellow horns including the fluegelhorn and this is a tune for the after-party as we all cool down before sunrise Saturday.

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