Friday, May 31, 2024

Step -- Memorial Song(メモリアル・ソング)


This particular song popped up a mere few days ago on YouTube channel "Kimi no Station: The Home of City Pop", and usually it's my personal policy not to jump the gun too quickly to put up freshly-posted videos.

However, seeing that we are entering the summer months and this song exemplifies the happy and gentle side of the sunny season, it was simply too irresistible. Resistance was indeed futile. I am talking about "Memorial Song" by the duo Step.  Seiken Komura(小村精権)and Kojiro Nishimori(西森幸次郎)released this in May 1983 as their final single before breaking up, so I guess in a way, this was truly a memorial song. Plus, I can guess that Kimi no Station was interested in getting this on board around the Memorial Day weekend some days ago.

Written by Ikki Matsumoto(松本一起), composed by Tsunehiro Izumi(和泉常寛)and arranged by Tatsushi Umegaki(梅垣達志), "Memorial Song" is an appropriately bouncy and sunny AOR/City Pop ditty with some fine keyboard and chorus work. Imagining a cordial stroll along the waterside in June as this is playing wouldn't be out of the question. If you can, have a read of my previous Step article for "Cool de Atsui Kimi"(クールで熱い君).

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