Friday, May 24, 2024

Tetsuo Sakurai -- In the Distance


From tomorrow, a good friend of mine will be experiencing what probably will be one of the biggest highlights in his professional life. Even from before the pandemic, he and others had been planning this huge Japanese-English translators' conference to be held in downtown Toronto and finally as of this weekend, everything will be coming into fruition. All success to him. As the Klingons would say: QA'PLA!

What can I say about this song which happens to be the second track in Casiopea bassist Tetsuo Sakurai's(櫻井哲夫)1986 debut album "Dewdrops"? "In the Distance" is quite the wondrous thing swirling together all of these genres: boogie, City Pop, bossa nova and jazz. At this point, all of the KKP entries on Sakurai have centered on the tracks within "Dewdrops", and it's no wonder, it just seems like this quiet masterpiece of an album.

As I said, the bossa is there but then we listeners also get this boogie shuffle beat accompanied by an organ which reminds me of the arrangement in Donald Fagen's "Walk Between Raindrops", the final track on another legendary album "The Nightfly" from 1982. Last but not least, the smooth vocals of Kyosuke Kusunoki(楠木恭介)that I remember from his own wonderful album "Just Tonight" groovily caress the whole she-bang. By this point, though, Kusunoki had already changed his first name to Yukoh(楠木勇有行). The music was provided by Sakurai with arrangement by him and Yuji Toriyama(鳥山雄司)while the lyrics were written by Masako Arikawa(有川正沙子). If you have a chance, you can give the first track "Refresh!" a try as well.


  1. There is actually a huge but interesting mystery around this particular track.
    The song was intended to be covered by Yasuko Endo (遠藤康子) as her debut single as an aidoru, but the plans were halted after her suicide. All copies of the single were reportedly destroyed afterwards, but one promotional copy has resurfaced on auction sometime ago...

    1. Hi there. I'd actually heard wisps of that news before but I wasn't sure if it were a fish tale or not which is why I didn't mention it. By chance, do you happen to know if the song might have shown up on YouTube?


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