Monday, May 6, 2024

Yukiko Tanaka -- Anata no Shiranai Umi de(あなたの知らない海で)


With the warmer days finally coming after a long and damp winter, it's time to think about lying on the beach chairs while sipping those cocktails.

Perhaps I may have just the tonic for that thought. I last posted something on singer Yukiko Tanaka(田中友紀子) back in late 2021 regarding her boisterous "Futari no Cinema wo Tsukuritai"(ふたりのシネマを作りたい)from 1994. Well, this time around, I have something much mellower in her July 1993 "Anata no Shiranai Umi de" (In Your Unknown Seas), a track from her album "Kimi-tachi no Kureta Natsu"(君たちのくれた夏...The Summer You Gave Me).

Written by Yoshihiko Ando(安藤義彦)and composed by Kazuhito Murata(村田和人), this is a rather soulfully languid tune with Tanaka singing an equivalent of a balm against metropolitan stress. Simply think "calm blue ocean" while listening to "Anata no Shiranai Umi de" and drink down your favourite libation. We can all use some relaxing down time.

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