Friday, June 21, 2024

All-Points Bulletin: Name That Tune


You see the apple pie up there which is the official KKP symbol for Name That Tune. In other words, we have another in the Lostwave series for any and all of us to try to identify. I was given word about this particular song by Avery earlier today and according to the YouTube description, it's supposed to be "...from a promotional S-VHS made in the late 1980s & sold in Japan".

Listening to it, I figured that it was indeed a 1980s tune and a pretty catchy one at that. One YouTube commenter surmised that this song was perhaps not supposed to be released, and I'm also wondering about its status as well. It's certainly slick R&B but there is also something about it that hints that it was more to be used as the background music for that VHS VCR or a scene from an action movie of that decade than an actual song to be put onto an album or single. However, have a go at it and enjoy the photo of young and glamourous Brooke Shields!


  1. That pie (I assume apple or cherry pie) looks wonderful! About the song this is a cool mystery!

    1. Hopefully, the mystery behind this one is resolved someday soon.


    The model is Victoria Lockwood.

    The singer sounds like Marlene to me.

    But also has a nasal squeak like Rie Murakami.

    1. Hello, Robert. I stand corrected on the model's name.

  3. If this music really was for the fashion video with Lockwood, then it is not lost. But I would like to know the singers, keyboardist, composer and so on.

    Actually, given that the fashion video upload on YT is 3 years old I wonder if this lost song status is a forced meme by someone who knew of that upload.

    1. Hi, Robert. I'd love to know the folks behind the music myself. Even if it was just for a VCR promotion, they sounded quite refined.

      Earlier today, I did get recommended videos after viewing the first video which included the 3-year-old one. Perhaps Avery asked me as a final resort. :)


Feel free to provide any comments (pro or con). Just be civil about it.