Thursday, June 13, 2024

Ken Matsudaira -- MatsuKen Maharajah/MatsuKen Curry(マツケンマハラジャ/マツケンカレー)


My friend Rob took me to this curry restaurant near his family's condo in Musashi-Kosugi when I last visited Tokyo. I'm always a sucker for butter chicken and I've been able to find out about different kinds of curry outside of the usual S&B stuff from the store. Over the years, I've had Thai, Indian and Pakistani varieties and some of them were enough to keep me warm for most of the winter. My gastrointestinal tract has complained to the brain a few times but overall, it's been a fine culinary experience.

I've got to admit that whenever actor Ken Matsudaira(松平健)does his novelty songs, he doesn't hold back on the showmanship. His "MatsuKen Samba"(マツケンサンバ)has been a favourite whenever he shows up on "Uta Con"(うたコン)and the Kohaku Utagassen. When Matsudaira celebrates with the world, the world celebrates with him.

Admittedly, until a few minutes ago, I hadn't even known that the actor not only gave his all to Brazil but also contributed his energies to India via a 2011 single titled "MatsuKen Maharajah". Written by Kyoko Yoshimine(吉峯暁子)and composed by singer-songwriter Keizo Nakanishi(中西圭三), the song begins and ends with a "Rocky"-like trumpet fanfare before the familiar rhythms flow in and MatsuKen, now in Indian royal garb, dances and sings up a storm.

The coupling song is "MatsuKen Curry" which has Nakanishi back as composer while this time, it's Ayumi Tamura(田村歩美)behind the lyrics. This is more of a three-for-one song as Matsudaira sings a trio of mini-tunes based on Indian, European and Thai curries. And all of his was for a collaboration between him and the company Oriental and their limited series of Ken Matsudaira curries on sale. Not sure how they did in stores, but the single peaked at No. 109 on Oricon. Speaking of which, the original recorded version has a somewhat different arrangement.


  1. I am also a curry lover! I like Japanese navy curry, but I had no idea Matsudaira Ken had a curry song!

    1. Just out of curiosity, how does navy curry taste?

  2. The truth of the matter is that every ship in the Japanese navy has there own curry on Friday's so in truth there isn't only one. But, the type that most people think of as Japanese Navy Curry is the Yokosuka Kaigun Curry:

    1. That sounds just like how my mother makes it. She isn't into spicy all that much so we've been accustomed to the mild variety.

  3. I just had to see this post while I'm wild for Japanese curry right now.

    1. Any particular brand that you're into?

    2. There aren't a lot here, admittedly so I'm making do with either S&B or House

    3. Here are a few to choose from S&B Golden Curry hot, Aomori black garlic curry, and Aomori Mutsu Bay Scallop Curry! A lot people like Gotoken HAKODATE curry, too.

    4. I wish we had those special varieties here in Toronto. I think here we have S&B and the options are either mild or spicy only.


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