Friday, June 7, 2024

Yutaka Kimura Speaks ~ Japanese City Pop Masterpieces 100: Sumiko Yamagata -- Natsu no Hikari ni(夏の光に)


Number: 061

Lyricist: Makoto Kitajo

Composer: Sumiko Yamagata

Arrangers: Toshiyuki Watanabe

From Yamagata's 1976 album: "Summer Shade"

"Natsu no Hikari ni" is a song with a bossa rhythm composed by Yamagata(やまがたすみこ)for an album that represented her shift from polished folk singer to pop singer. The usual bossa nova song is sung rather softly but in her case, perhaps it's something left over from her folk days, but her beautiful enunciation and strong vocals have somehow lent a unique attractiveness.

The above comes from "Disc Collection Japanese City Pop Revised" (2020).

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