Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Satellite Young -- Jack Doushi(ジャック同士)


It's been several years since I posted anything by the synthwave group Satellite Young, but catching some of their old videos on YouTube the other day, I decided to look up some of their back catalog. Fellow KKP writer Marcos V. was the first of us to introduce Emi Kusano(草野絵美), Bellemaison Sekine(ベルメゾン関根)and Tele Hideo through his article on Satellite Young's self-titled album from 2017.

I provided the article on the group as well and it was on their February 2017 single "Sanfransokyo girl". Since that point, I've always associated Satellite Young with that futuristic city from the movie "Big Hero 6", and perhaps that Bing AI illustration at the top can represent Sanfransokyo. As has been once said, there are millions of stories in the city, and one could be Jack Doushi.

No idea who Jack Doushi is but "Jack Doushi" happens to be Satellite Young's debut single from January 2014. The synthpop is twinkly 80s but the arrangement still comes across as depicting something or someone gritty and dramatic as if Jack Doushi is a cyber-detective lurking among the moral muck of the not-so-nice areas of Sanfransokyo. It can't all be shiny and chrome in the big city. Vocalist Kusano and Sekine were responsible for words and music, and the song is also included on "Satellite Young" the album.

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