Friday, December 21, 2012

19xx Bokutachi no Natsukashii Melody (僕たちの懐かしいメロディー)

I mentioned a few entries ago about the late-night music ranking show on TBS, "Countdown TV" that I often caught during my years in Japan with those three CG characters as hosts. Well, in my earlier 2-year stint in Gunma Prefecture, I used to catch something similar on Fuji-TV in the wee hours. Not sure if it was on a Monday or Tuesday night but it was usually on after midnight.

"19XX -- Bokutachi no Natsukashii Melody" (Our Nostalgic Melodies) was perfectly made for kayo kyoku fans like me. As we lay in the warm comfort of our futon, this half-hour program simply consisted of past performances from the 70s and 80s interspersed with scenes of the breaking news stories from that time. Each episode focused on a certain year, and the opening theme was always The Carpenters' "Yesterday Once More" which couldn't be more nostalgia-brewing.

It was always nice to head to slumberland listening to these old chestnuts.

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