Friday, December 21, 2012

Yuki Okazaki -- Do You Remember Me?

To be honest, I don't remember much about Yuki Okazaki(岡崎友紀)herself, and she actually has had a much longer career as an actress, appearing in her first role in "Peter Pan" back in 1961 as an 8-year-old, and then continuing on the stage and then into television. She debuted as a singer in 1970 with "Shiawase no Namida"しあわせの涙....Happy Tears) which peaked at a respectable No. 35 on the Oricon weeklies.

However, her biggest hit was a decade later when "Do You Remember Me?" was released in June 1980 as one of her last singles. I've heard the song off and on in compilations and on TV, and it rather reminds me of some of those old 1960s performances by female pop singers, and songs by British actress Tracey Ullman in the early 80s. The song, written by Kazumi Yasui(安井かずみ)and composed by Kazuhiko Kato(加藤和彦), peaked at No. 18.

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