Monday, August 20, 2018

Miyuki Yokoyama -- Kirisame no Rouge(霧雨ルージュ)

I had bookmarked this song for some months but I've only finally gotten to it tonight. There's been quite a backlog that I've got to get through.

Miyuki Yokoyama(横山みゆき)was a singer that I had first gotten to know through her debut single,"Shuushifu"(秋止符)which was created by the folk duo Alice(アリス)in 1979. I was entranced enough by the song that I wanted to find out a little more of her discography and then encountered this track called "Kirisame no Rouge" (Rouge in the Light Rain) from her 1980 album "Yokoyama Miyuki Second"(横山みゆきセカンド).

As much as I love the funky beats of City Pop, I also have spared a soft spot for the light ennui-laden music of Fashion Pop. "Kirisame no Rouge" has that certain dramatic Fashion Pop sensibility with a small infusion of the exotic kayo that was also fairly popular in the late 1970s. I have also noticed that Yokoyama's delivery is somewhat similar to that of Ami Ozaki(尾崎亜美). I couldn't find out who wrote and composed this song but it's possible that it could have been Ozaki.

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