Sunday, December 2, 2018

Yukari Usami -- Aoi Takanki(蒼い多感期)

Ahhh...behold the aidoru of days gone past who blew in and out like a breeze, but still manages to retain that pocket of popularity. There are probably a fairly large number of these maboroshii teenyboppers and off the top of my head, I can remember someone like Hiromi Koide(小出広美)from the early 1980s.

Some time ago, I also discovered an aidoru who hails from Okinawa named Yukari Usami(宇沙美ゆかり). She had a brief but, I think, fairly intense time in show business between 1983 and 1985. She had been scouted through a talent audition by the entertainment company Sky Corporation, after which she passed an audition to star in the live-action version of the manga-turned-anime "Miyuki"(みゆき).

Usami released her first of 6 singles in March 1984 called "Aoi Takanki" (Blue Emotional Time). It got bookmarked by me because of an interesting synthesizer intro, and as an aidoru, Usami's voice didn't sound too bad at all. Written by Masao Urino(売野雅勇)and composed by Tsugutoshi Goto(後藤次利), "Aoi Takanki" is a fairly brisk aidoru tune with some Ginsu-knife strings about a young girl who just seems to be chomping at the bit at not being able to confess her love to that boy and wondering why the fellow won't make the first move.

There is no record of the Oricon rankings for any of her singles or three original albums, but from what I've read from of her short history on J-Wiki, it looks like her management company may have been pushing her too hard too fast, even for someone in the assembly-line aidoru industry. Maybe the powers-that-be had seen something of star potential in Usami. The singles were coming out at a rapid-fire pace and there were offers coming out for her to appear in various dramas which ended up bottle-necking her schedule (and apparently, she ended up having to reject two major starring roles according to a Weekly Asahi Geino article). In any case, it wasn't too long before the aidoru/actress pulled up stakes and disappeared from the geinokai.

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