Monday, November 25, 2019

Akira Fuse/Chuei Yoshikawa -- Hizashi no Naka de(陽ざしの中で)

It's been a while since I've put up anything by Akira Fuse(布施明)and just to remind myself that the 1970s were also part of the age of big-voiced singers of kayo, it's time to get that song up by him.

Fuse's "Hizashi no Naka de" (In the Sunlight) is his April 1976 single that was written by Shinji Seki(関真次)and composed by Chuei Yoshikawa(吉川忠英)with Ichizo Seo(瀬尾一三)in charge of arrangement. A sad and wistful folksy tune about a loved one who's no longer around, Fuse isn't throwing out his vocals like a sonic cannon here but for such a ballad, it's far better for him to take the quieter approach. His single went all the way up to No. 12 on Oricon, and later became the 59th-ranked single of the year, selling a shade over 200,000 records.

Composer Yoshikawa did a cover of his own tune in the same year via his 3rd album "chuei#29". It sounds even more wistful and mournful than the one by Fuse.

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