Monday, November 25, 2019

Tetsuo Saito -- Itsumo Music(いつもミュージック)

Through an old friend of mine, I heard that another mutual friend, when he was first courting his girlfriend, traveled hundreds of kilometres with his guitar by train to her family's house so that he could serenade her. I thought that stuff like this only happened on TV and in the movies. Past my initial shock, I ended up not asking what the fellow sang for her, but whatever it was, it was successful. They've been married for many years now.

I'm fairly certain, though, that it wasn't a City Pop tune. That was saved by singer-songwriter Tetsuo Saito(斉藤哲夫)who's far more famous for a song that was once used as a commercial tune for a Minolta camera. In that article for "Ima no Kimi wa Pikapika ni Hikatte" (いまのキミはピカピカに光って), I mentioned that Saito had been known as a folk and New Music singer back in the 1970s.

Well, the same year (1980) that his big hit came out, Saito also put out an album in July called "Itsumo Music" (Always Music). I don't know what the overall genre or genres are in this one, but the title track definitely has that urban contemporary intent in mind. Plus, Saito's lyrics seem to be calling out for his lady love in serenading fashion. He probably would have needed that rhythm section underneath her window sill, though. For a fellow who was into folk/New Music, he really does show his inner cool funkiness here. That underlying beat is relentless! And what is also catchy is how he enunciates music.

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